Thursday, September 30, 2010

Breaking News: Ecuadorian Government Under Seige!

As I write these words, Ecuador is in a state of chaos, due to a violent uprising by police officers protesting the country's new austerity measures. Rebellious police have seized control of police barracks in several cities and have set up numerous roadblocks with burning tires in order to cut off access to Ecuador's capital city, Quito. Looting has been reported, and a state of martial law has been implemented in order to restore order.

President Rafael Correa was even physically attacked and brutalized by out-of-control police officers. True to his tough nature, however, he faced down anti-government protesters, saying,

"If you want to kill the president, here he is! Kill me!"

Read the whole story here:

What does all of this mean?

Well, I want to be the first person to publicly go on record as saying I sense the hand of Chevron working behind the scenes.

We know Chevron is guilty of playing all manner of illegal, dirty tricks in their effort to undermine the lawsuit in Ecuador (see my previous blog entry about Chevron's attempt to recruit a Mexican journalist to spy on the plaintiffs for one small example of the company's ruthless criminality).

We know the vast, overwhelming majority of Ecuadorians love and cherish their president, who they regard as a hero.

We know Chevron does not like Ecuador's president at all, because he has been uncompromising in his commitment to the victims of Chevron's genocide.

We know Chevron got the lawsuit relocated from North America to Ecuador because they felt they had a much better chance of corrupting the process and undermining the suit if they were dealing with a third world legal system, as opposed to a US court of law.

What, therefore, are the ramifications for the lawsuit against Chevron, if the country in which the suit is to be heard is thrown into a state of instability, chaos, and possible regime change?

And what wouldn't Chevron do to promote such insurrection and upheaval?

Pray for Ecuador.

Pray for her president.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thank You, Frog Blog!

The team of artists and writers responsible for the awesome Frog Blog have given Chevron Shills some very welcome exposure by featuring my anti-Chevron cartoon art. Check it out:

I love how they even included my colorful ¡Viva Ecuador!

If you like Frog Blog (and how couldn't you?), do be sure to also check out their daily comic strip, Frog Applause.

Chevron Attempts to Bribe Journalist to Spy on Ecuadorians

There truly is no depth to which Chevron will not sink. The Atlantic just published a stunning article detailing the oil company's effort to recruit a Mexican journalist to spy on the plaintiffs in the Ecuadorian lawsuit and "dig up dirt" on them.

Read all about it here, and prepare to be outraged:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Lies and Law-Breaking from Chevron

Chevron, which is one of California's biggest polluters, is at this very moment using well-paid lobbyists to try and gain an exemption from state environmental laws for the rebuilding of its notorious Richmond refinery.

Listen to KQED radio's report on the situation right here:

Or read all about it at the San Jose Mercury News:

A highlight from the article:

"The courts have said, 'You didn't follow the law. You are going to be polluting communities a whole lot more than you are disclosing," said Tina Andolina, legislative director for the Planning and Conservation League, a Sacramento environmental group. "This company broke the law, and now they are coming to ask for an exemption to the law they broke."

Chevron's shills will inevitably be posting pro-Chevron comments on both of the pages I've linked to, so I encourage you to visit both pages and post your feelings about Chevron's criminality and the genocide in Ecuador.

Thank you.